A history of the North Korea “Nuclear Crisis” presented by Hyun Lee to the ‘NJ/NY Korea Peace Now Grassroots group on October 15, 2021 hosted by World Beyond War.
Hyun Lee is the National Campaign and Advocacy Strategist for Women Cross DMZ. She is a writer for ZoominKorea, an online resource for critical news and analysis on peace and democracy in Korea. She is an anti-war activist and organizer who has traveled to both North and South Korea. She is a Korea Policy Institute associate and routinely speaks at national and international conferences as well as webinars and public seminars. Her writings have appeared in Foreign Policy in Focus, Asia-Pacific Journal, and New Left Project, and she has been interviewed by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Thom Hartmann Show, the Ed Schultz Show, and many other news outlets. Hyun obtained her bachelors and masters degrees from Columbia University.
The kickoff event in PDF’s 40th Anniversary event series and celebrations!
This event featured a panel of representatives from PDF’s 2017-2019 Women Peacemakers Initiative, including Women for Genuine Security, Women Cross DMZ, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and Whose Knowledge?
The Women Peacemakers Initiative culminated in a gathering of eighteen women in San Francisco’s Women’s Building in March of 2019. The women, most of whom led groups fiscally sponsored by PDF, came from many countries, including Japan, Korea, France, India, Burkina Faso, Albania, Brazil, the U.S. and the U.K. Together, they explored what a feminist foreign policy could look like and helped to build a stronger coalition working for peace.
We were joined by:
Christine Ahn, Founder and Executive Director of Women Cross DMZ, a global movement of women mobilizing to end the Korean War and ensure women’s leadership in peace building.
Gwyn Kirk, a founding member of the International Women’s Network Against Militarism, and Women for Genuine Security, the US-based group in that Network.
Adele Vrana is Co-Director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge? a global campaign to center the knowledge of marginalized communities (the majority of the world) on the internet.
Darien De Lu, is US President of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), and a peace, justice, and Latin America solidarity activist.
[톱니바퀴 버튼 – 자막을 누르셔서 한글자막과 함께 시청하실 수 있습니다.자막이 활성화되지 않는 분들께서는 댓글의 유튜브 링크를 눌러주세요.]
한반도 평화를 위한 뉴질랜드 연대에서는 한반도와 세계의 평화를 위해 여성계에서 어떤 활동을 하고 있는지에 대한 웨비나를 가졌습니다.
한국전쟁은 휴전협정 이후 70여년간 아직 전쟁 상태입니다. 이제는 공식적으로 종전하고 한반도와 세계의 평화를 향해 나아가야 할 때 입니다.
일자: 2021년 9월 10일
사회: 레베카 정
강연자: 크리스틴 리, 고유경
동시통역: 린 박 / 김종회
스페셜게스트: 멜리사 리 뉴질랜드 의회 의원
강연내용 안내: 크리스틴 리 – 여성과 평화가 한반도 평화를 위해 우선시 되어야 하는 이유고유경 – 뉴질랜드의 종전 선언 지지가 한반도 및 주변 지역의 평화를 위해 필요한 이유
웨비나 : 정전협정 68년, 미중 경쟁과 한반도
Webinar : People’s global action for Korea Peace amid US-China strategic competition
ウェビナー : 米中の競争と朝鮮半島の平和
On the 71st anniversary of what is officially recognized as the start of the Korean War, World BEYOND War hosted a panel discussion with preeminent Korea historian Bruce Cumings, Korean-American peace activist Christine Ahn, and Youngjae KIM, a peace activist based in Seongju, South Korea. They reflected upon the neglected history and human costs of the unresolved war and discussed what is needed to finally bring closure to America’s oldest, endless war.
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