Posted in: Newsletters
Dear friend,
With all the horrific violence being inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza over these past several weeks, supported by the United States, it’s urgent that all of us continue to speak up and take action in support of peace.
At Women Cross DMZ, we aren’t just working to end the Korean War, but to democratize U.S. foreign policy and build lasting peace in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. We see the movement for peace in Korea tied to the collective struggles for freedom everywhere. We want everyone to live in a world free from violence and militarism, where people and the planet are valued over profit.
This holiday, we are feeling especially grateful for everyone who is supporting our efforts for peace in Korea and our world. Please consider donating today to sustain our grassroots movement to end the Korean War.
Here are some of the tangible ways we have been building toward lasting peace in Korea in the last year:
To find out more about what we’ve accomplished last year and our exciting plans for 2024, read Women Cross DMZ’s 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Again, thank you for your ongoing support.
In peace,
Everyone at Women Cross DMZ