Dear Friends,
As the Biden administration conducts a critical review of North Korea policy, we’re raising our voices to push for a peace-first solution to the security crisis.
On March 18 at 8pm ET, join us for a special discussion “The Feminist Case for a Peace Agreement to End the Korean War.” You’ll hear from authors of the recent groundbreaking Korea Peace Now! report “Path to Peace: The Case for a Peace Agreement to End the Korean War” about what a peace agreement is (and what it isn’t) and why it’s the best option for achieving long-term goals such as denuclearization and improved human rights. We’ll also discuss the implications of a peace agreement on the US-South Korean alliance and why women must be meaningfully included in the Korea peace process.
Speakers will include:
  • Moderator: Madeleine Rees, Secretary-General of WILPF
  • Christine Ahn, Executive Director of Women Cross DMZ
  • Henri Féron, Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy
  • Catherine Killough, Advocacy and Leadership Coordinator of Women Cross DMZ
  • Hyun Lee, U.S. National Organizer of Women Cross DMZ
  • Youngmi Cho, Executive Director of Korean Women’s Movement for Peace
I’ll also be speaking at a webinar today at 1pm ET, “Taps for America's empire of bases? Reducing the U.S. global bootprint” hosted by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft with David Vine, professor of political anthropology at American University and board member of the Costs of War Project, and John Glaser, director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute. I’ll discuss my experience and perspectives of being on the ground with anti-base resistance movements throughout Asia and the Pacific. Register here.
In other news, Women Cross DMZ is part of a coalition of national organizations that recently sent a letter to President Biden urging the administration to formally end the Korean War, take steps to build confidence and reduce tensions, and make the negotiating table more inclusive in order to advance US-North Korea relations and reduce the risk of nuclear war. Read the letter here.
We recently wrapped up our international campaign calling on the Biden administration to halt US-South Korea combined military exercises. Along with 388 other organizations, we sent a letter to the Biden administration urging the suspension of these costly and highly provocative war exercises as a crucial step toward restarting genuine diplomacy with North Korea. We gathered signatures, held a webinar, published op-eds, and organized rallies at the White House. Unfortunately, the exercises are being held this week (albeit in scaled-back form) and will likely provoke a response from North Korea. We’ll announce more actions in the future to stop these war exercises, so stay tuned…
While we don’t yet know the Biden administration’s approach to North Korea, we hope the likely confirmation of Wendy Sherman as next US Deputy Secretary of State will be a positive step toward diplomatic solutions to the Korea crisis. Regardless, we will continue our collective efforts toward building lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.
With hope for a peaceful future,
Christine Ahn
Copyright © 2020, Women Cross DMZ, All rights reserved.

Susan Yohn
Attn: Women Cross DMZ
263 Windsor Place
Brooklyn, NY 11218

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