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S3-1 Cooperation of the Civic Sector for Peace on the Korean Peninsula
KGFP Korea Global Forum for Peace 2020 • Theme: Cooperation of the Civic Sector for Peace on the Korean Peninsula • Date & Time: 2020.09.07(Mon) ┃16:00~17:30(KST) • Organizer: PEACEMOMO & Ministry of Unification The establishment of peace means moving to peaceful and sustainable relations in order to refrain from reverting to past disputes on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. This will require addressing the root causes and drivers of disputes; creating the system of managing disputes and offering services as well as strengthening the capabilities of individuals and groups; and reinforcing social and regional integration, trust among stakeholders, and the legitimacy of new relationships. Based on these approaches, we will explore what contributions the private sector can make to help establish peace on the Korean Peninsula in such areas as preventing disputes, strengthening peace capabilities, strengthening public opinion, building trust, making the case for peace, and engaging the general public in diplomacy for peace. Moderator
  • Francis Daehoon LEE (Research Professor, SungKongHoe University)
  • James Glyn FORD (Founder & Director, Track2Asia, UK)
  • Jakob HALLGREN (Ambassador, Embassy of Sweden in Seoul)
  • Christine AHN (Executive Director, Women Cross DMZ, USA)
  • Youngmi CHO (Executive Director, Korean Women’s Movement for Peace)
  • Sung Kyung KIM (Associate Professor, University of North Korean Studies)
  • A-Young MOON (Representative, PEACEMOMO)

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